Sunday, 27 September 2015

021 - Medway McRant

American Frank has become the very thing she hated as a fast food employee. The Franks kick off their Medway segment for the first official time by talking about how they came to live here. Got feedback? Hit us up on Twitter: @the2franks or @capnpantbeard (for more piratey things) Love Medway? Hate Medway? Or a little bit of both? Use the hashtags #lovemedway and/or #hatemedway and tag us in @the2franks. Still looking for that theme tune... we're starting to feel just a little bit dated.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

020 - Things Happened!

A special midweek bonus episode because we couldn't sit on it til Monday. Recorded on location inside the Prius of Death as it traverses Medway. Catch us on Twitter: @the2franks (American Frank) or @CapnPantBeard (British Frank). Sometimes we switch accounts without knowing it. Oopsie.

Monday, 21 September 2015

019 - All Day Hangover

The Franks have stayed up for all 24 hours of All Day You Drunks. What follows might not even be intelligible. There's always next week, I guess. Contact info: Twitter: @the2franks (American Frank) or @capnpantbeard (British Frank) e-mail:

Monday, 14 September 2015

018 - Shameless Plug

Frank and Frank have new microphones. GMYD needs your money. A hog roast happens. It all goes wrong with Pulled Pork. Frank worries that Frank's cats will eat their leftover curry. Frank has a bee in her bonnet about products and their names. Frank joins in the rant. We're not drunk, we're just not used to the latency in our headphones. Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher or Blubrry!

Monday, 7 September 2015

017 - Frankie Goes To Rome

The Franks finally get the kids back to school and end up... at the toy store. Puzzle pieces rain down as British Frank discusses her trip to Rome. American Frank has a #medwayrant. Get in touch! @the2franks on twitter! @frankenpages on Instagram!